
Casting call for two young actors to play Prince William and Prince Harry in the next series of The Crown

28 Aug

Robert Sterne, Casting Director of the Netflix series THE CROWN, is searching for two exceptional young actors to play PRINCE WILLIAM and PRINCE HARRY in the next series.

Shooting will commence late August 2022 in the UK.

No previous professional acting experience required. They are very experienced in providing a great deal of support for the young actors and their families through what they find is a uniquely rewarding creative process.

How to apply:

1. Please title email when sending - THE CROWN CASTING CALL – and either WILLIAM or HARRY (as applicable)

2. Name, age, date of birth and a current selfie

3. Where you heard about this casting call

4. Where you are based

5. If you are under 18 years please ask a parent or guardian for permission to apply and include their contact details in your submission.

6. Please send us a short video (no more than 30 seconds) talking about something you love doing. Close up on head and shoulders in good natural lighting, start by saying your full name, age and height. Please clearly label the clips with your name and which role you are applying for before sending or your footage could be lost. Direct from your mobile phone is fine, we also recommend ‘wetransfer’ as an alternative which is free, secure and easy to use. Instructions on website: https://wetransfer.com/

Please send your submission to the following email address ASAP!

[email protected]